Mesothelioma experts have known that every mesothelioma tumor is as different as every person’s fingerprint. Women, particularly aged less than 50, have also been noted to have longer survival with mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma is a complex disease with many genetic mutations. In February of 2016, Dr. Raphael Bueno, published ground breaking research about the gene- sequencing of over 200 mesothelioma tumors. In collaboration with scientists from Genetech, they identified over 2,500 alterations and identified 10 significantly mutated genes in the mesothelioma tumors.
With this research scientists, can now design studies to examine the effects of different medications on more specific pathways – a personalized approach.
Another research study has identified mutations in the TP53 gene implicated in many types of cancer but up to this point not for mesothelioma. The researchers discovered that it was found in 2x as many women with mesothelioma then men. The estimated 5-year survival rate for women diagnosed with mesothelioma is around 22%, for men 9%. One more building block for tailored care for mesothelioma.
These are just a few examples of the progress that continues to be made and advanced for treatment options for mesothelioma patients.
There is no single magic pill that will cure mesothelioma. Progress is being made and must continue with more involvement in clinical trials at the mesothelioma centers of excellence.
Looking forward to more progress and involvement in 2017!
We wish a Happy, Healthy, and Safe New Year!
– Ellie and Lisa