Connect with mesothelioma nurses who have worked with over 600 mesothelioma patients in the last 30 years and strive to guide patients and families through the myriad of treatment options and caregiver support. Click here to read more.
Contact us through our site and we’ll send you a free Mesothelioma Treatment & Care Guide that offers information about various treatment and care options for mesothelioma patients. Click here to read more.
Once you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, we recommend that you get evaluated at a well respected treatment center. We can recommend centers of excellence near you. Click here to read more.
It is now 2018 and as years pass, medical information about Mesothelioma is becoming more easily accessible to the public. Like anything, some websites are more reliable than others and it is unfortunately up to you to weed out the ones that carry more validity. Websites that are most accurate are written from people who […]
Recovery is often a long process that requires a lot of patience in order to beat mesothelioma. For many patients and their loved ones, the rate of recovery can be lengthened if they focus on issues that prolong progress rather than the obstacles they have already overcome. Often times patients become fixated on similar challenges […]
Being diagnosed with a rare disease often offers challenges that might seem insurmountable to some. Patients and family members who have a loved one diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma know of the challenges that are faced with the diagnosis, access to treatment and decisions regarding the right treatment and the timing of when to have the […]
Facing a life-threatening challenge such as a diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma can be overwhelming. Your world as you know it has been changed. What do you do? Where do you turn? After gathering the information, it is time to think about it all in the context of your own life. What is important to you? […]
Ellie has worked with hundreds of mesothelioma patients and their families for over 30 years.
Lisa has worked with hundreds of mesothelioma patients and their families for over 25 years
From the moment of diagnosis, mesothelioma patients and their families are faced with questions that require immediate answers. Some examples of these questions include: Where can I find a doctor that specializes in treating mesothelioma? Where is the nearest mesothelioma treatment center? What type of surgical and non-surgical options exist for mesothelioma? As a caregiver, how can I best support my spouse, parent or family member who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, while still taking care of myself? How can I get financial assistance and compensation? is a unique website intended to help you get answers to the most important questions relating to a mesothelioma diagnosis. Answers must come from experienced professionals. It is not enough for someone to be a “nurse” or “lawyer” when it comes to the specialized and complex world of mesothelioma. These professionals must have years of experience with mesothelioma to truly understand how to help those affected by this disease.
For the patient and caregiver looking for information, offers the opportunity to connect with experienced mesothelioma nurses (Lisa and Ellie) who have treated hundreds of patients with mesothelioma and who work with mesothelioma patients on a daily basis at leading mesothelioma hospital. Lisa and Ellie are passionate in their commitment to helping mesothelioma patients. On this website, you will also find articles and blog posts that Lisa and Ellie have written to help patients and caregivers find answers and support.
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